// Set an Admin Session
// Then we see if the product exists already, by SKU since that is unique to each product
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
// we will create new product
$product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product();
$product->setSku('UNIQUE SKU HERE');
$product->setTaxClassId(0); // class id
$product->setWebsiteIDs(array(0)); // your website ids
$product->setStoreIDs(array(0)); // your store ids
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'qty' => 99999,
'manage_stock' => 0,
// set the rest of the product information here that can be set on either new/update
$product->setAttributeSetId(9); // the product attribute set to use
$product->setName('Product Title/Name');
$product->setCategoryIds(array(0,1,2,3)); // array of categories it will relate to
$product->setShortDescription('Short Description');
// set the product images as such
// $image is a full path to the image. I found it to only work when I put all the images I wanted to import into the {magento_path}/media/catalog/products - I just created my own folder called import and it read from those images on import.
$image = '/path/to/magento/media/catalog/products/import/image.jpg';
$product->setMediaGallery (array('images'=>array (), 'values'=>array ()));
$product->addImageToMediaGallery ($image, array ('image'), false, false);
$product->addImageToMediaGallery ($image, array ('small_image'), false, false);
$product->addImageToMediaGallery ($image, array ('thumbnail'), false, false);
// setting custom attributes. for example for a custom attribute called special_attribute
// custome_attribute will be used on all examples below for the various attribute types
$product->setCustomeAttribute('value here');
// setting a Yes/No Attribute
// setting a Selection Attribute
$attribute_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute');
$attribute_options_model = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_source_table');
$attribute_code = $attribute_model->getIdByCode('catalog_product', $attribut_name);
$attribute = $attribute_model->load($attribute_code);
$options = $attribute_options_model->getAllOptions(false);
// determine if this option exists
$value_exists = false;
foreach($options as $option) {
if (strtolower($option['label']) == strtolower($arg_value)) {
return $vid = $option['value'];
$product->setSpecialAttribute($vid); //specify the ID of the attribute option, eg you creteated an option called Blue in special_attribute it was assigned an ID of some number. Use that number.
// setting a Mutli-Selection Attribute
$data['special_attribute'] = '101 , 102 , 103'; // coma separated string of option IDs. As ID , ID (mind the spaces before and after coma, it worked for me like that)
} catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
//handle your error
This code has been testen in magento 1.6.X if you have any error about this code write your comment