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Monday, 19 August 2013

what is 3D password...?

3D Password is the most usable technology to give unique password to authorization anywhere. 3D Passwords which are customizable and very interesting way authentication techniques. Now a days the passwords are based on the fact of Human Brain memory.Generally simple passwords which are we use today are set so as to recall
quickly. The Human brain memory , in our scheme has to undergo the facts of Recognition, Recalling,
Biometrics or Taken based authentication. once implemented and you log in to a secure sites, the 3D Passwords GUI opens up. This is an additional textual passwords which the user can simply put. Ones he goes through the first authentication , a 3D virtual room will open on the screen .In our Case, let’ s say a virtual garage. Now in a day to day garage on will find all sorts of tools , enuipments,etc. each of them having unique properties. The user will then interact with these properties accordingly. Each obj. in the 3D space, can be moved around in an (X,Y,Z) plane. That's the moving attribute of each obj. like X,Y & Z. This Properties are common to all the obj.

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